Advancing Researcher Scheme
To facilitate the further progression of mid-career researchers as they transition to the next phase of their health and social care research career.
Who is it for
The Advancing Researcher Scheme is open to mid-career researchers employed by Higher Education Institutes (HEI) or research active staff employed in NHS or social care organisations. HEI applicants will need to clearly justify the need for salary costs given their substantive employment contract within the sector.
Funding available
Salary costs for up to 0.4 Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) for a maximum of one year along with reasonable research consumables (maximum £5,000).
This is an annual scheme with calls opening in September each year.
We are pleased to announce that from the 17 October 2024, the Health and Care Research Wales Faculty will be transitioning to using a new Awards Management System with the forthcoming Doctoral and Advanced Fellowship applicants to be the first group to use this new system.
From October 2024 onwards the Faculty will administer all new calls using the Awards Management System and will start to move the management of all existing Health and Care Research Wales personal awards into this system from January 2025.
We anticipate the new Awards Management System will facilitate more efficient Faculty processes which will benefit our applicants and members and help us in improving support for health and social care researchers in Wales.
If you have any questions about the new system, contact the Faculty team who will be very happy to help.