NIHR Research Programme for Social Care

This funding programme is open to Wales-based researchers

The aim of the Research Programme for Social Care (RPSC) is to fund research that generates evidence to increase the effectiveness of social care services, provides value for money and benefits people who need or use social care services, and carers. Research will cover both adults and children's social care.

The RPSC Programme is funded by the NIHR with specific contributions from Health and Care Research Wales, the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) in Scotland and the HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland.

The programme encourages applications from researchers from all stages of their careers and includes a sub stream for early career researchers as well as funding for capacity building. Proposals should demonstrate appropriate research expertise, and teams should have a track record of relevant published research.

RPSC invites applications from higher education institutions, charities, local authorities, local governments and relevant third sector organisations in all four nations of the UK.

More information and how to apply can be found on the National Institute for Health and Care Research website.