Christmas baubles

Merry Christmas from Health and Care Research Wales

18 December

“As we come to the end of what has probably been the most challenging year of our careers, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole research community in Wales for its hard work and commitment.

“COVID-19 brought the rapid and radical change to the NHS, the care system and subsequently to the world of research. Never has research been more important and touched more people’s lives than it has this year. The work undertaken to test potential therapies for COVID-19 at scale and pace, and to develop and test vaccines which are now starting to be deployed, is remarkable and unparalleled.

“We can be hugely proud of the effort in Wales by our research and healthcare community who worked together with partners across the UK and internationally. The hours have been long and the circumstances more difficult than any other year but a silver lining has been the realisation of the real difference our work has made to the lives of people and communities in Wales when we all work together.

“From everyone at Health and Care Research Wales, we want to say diolch.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, working together, we can make a reality of the idea that today’s research leads to tomorrow’s care – and we’re looking forward to continuing working with you in 2021.”

Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales