
Clinical Trials Resilience Survey Report published

24 December

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) has published its Clinical Trials Resilience Survey Report.

The survey was undertaken to understand the pressures on clinical trials brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting adaptations and innovations that those working in pharmaceutical medicine have made.

The report is based on the results of a survey of FPM members and non-members.

Key findings:

  • Over half the respondents stated that they personally, or their company, have been developing treatments or vaccines for COVID-19
  • 79% of all respondents reported that other clinical research programme activities in their organisation had been impacted by the pandemic
  • Almost all respondents reported the use of virtual and digital technologies to keep trials running and keep patients and investigators safe
  • Respondents from both pharmaceutical and the service sector praised the speed and flexibility of regulatory agencies around the world
  • Almost half of respondents reported that the pandemic had impacted their organisation’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) for clinical programmes and trial design

The full report can be read on the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine website.