Dr Frank Atherton

Research “at the heart” of addressing the effects of COVID-19 in Wales

31 February

We know that 2020 was a year different to any other, and research has been vital in dealing with the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chief Medical Officer for Wales’ special edition annual report 2019 to 2020 highlights how research has been a key priority in Wales to help us better understand what can improve outcomes for patients

Drawing on examples of life-changing research from across Wales, Dr Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Wales, discusses how Health and Care Research Wales and the wider welsh research community has actively promoted and supported a coordinated UK research effort in response to the pandemic as well as playing an active role in the UK Vaccine taskforce.

Through the report, Welsh Government recognises the critical role research has to play in discovering new treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. It explains that research studies, such as PRINCIPLE, REMAP-CAP and RECOVERY, have been instrumental in improving survival rates in certain patients with COVID-19.

Dr Atherton said, “Research is at the heart of making sure that we continue to use the best available evidence to address the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19, and to make sure we are able to make the best decisions for the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales.

“We have continued to learn about COVID-19 and its effects throughout the pandemic. However, there is still much that is yet be discovered.”

In the report, the CMO recommends "ongoing research into tackling and monitoring of the direct and indirect long-term effects of COVID-19". He advises that Health and Care Research Wales, the research community, universities and partners should continue to collaborate on helping to answer the most important questions so we can plan a way through the response that protects our health and the health of future generations.

Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales, commented, “Throughout the pandemic, it has been made clear the benefits of health and care research are profound, we now need to have a dedicated focus on bringing research from across the world to bear on tackling the longer-term challenges of COVID-19.

“The new Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre will enable research evidence to be shared quickly and easily across Welsh Government, NHS Wales and social care, to help ensure key decisions are based on evidence.” 

To read the full report, visit the Welsh Government website.