Care stars/Ser Gofal

Social Care Wales: Nominate your Care Stars

The search is on for care workers in Wales who have made a positive difference to people’s lives in the most difficult of circumstances with the launch of Care Stars 2021.

Employers, colleagues and the public are being encouraged to nominate workers from social care and childcare, play and early years across four broad categories.

Organised by Social Care Wales and supported by judges from partner organisations, Care Stars is looking for care workers who have made a truly positive difference to people’s lives and have helped individuals achieve what matters to them even in the middle of a pandemic.

You can nominate your Care Stars from 3 June until 17:00 on 23 June by filling out the Care Stars nomination form. Judging will take place at the beginning of July.

The four categories for nominations are:

  • Social care support for adults
  • Social care support for older people
  • Social care support for children
  • Childcare, play and early years services.