Richard Anderson

Dr Richard Anderson

Specialty Lead for Cardiovascular Disease

Dr Richard Anderson is a full time clinical consultant cardiologist and has been performing and researching in complex cardiac interventions for 17 years. He has led commissioning committees in Wales to get complex valve treatments started in Wales. He has advised both NICE for specialist services and Health Technology Wales in the structural interventional field in Wales.

Throughout his time as a consultant, Richard has been involved in clinical research. He is the current Wales Specialty Lead for Cardiovascular Research and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board specialist services division R+D lead. He has been a Principal Investigator and Chief Investigator on national and international multicentre studies. He has also been involved in many multicentre UK based coronary and valve studies resulting in many publications.

Richard has previously attracted both British Heart Foundation and industry funding for his research projects and have over 100 peer reviewed publications. Including most recently papers in the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine.

In the news:

Health and Care Research Wales invests in leaders across Wales to shape the research of the future (April 2022)

Contact Richard

Tel: 07710164072

