Celebrating the work of Allied Health Professionals and Healthcare Scientists across Wales
31 July
These awards are now closed
The Advancing Healthcare Awards (AHA) Cymru are an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the important and innovative work of healthcare scientists and allied health professionals (AHPs) across Wales.
Health and Care Research Wales is proud to sponsor the Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research Delivery.
This award celebrates the achievements of an individual or team who has made an outstanding contribution to research delivery. The award winner is a role model for the next generation of AHPs and healthcare scientists demonstrating leadership in research delivery across Wales. This award can either be self-nominated or you can nominate someone else.
The closing date to submit your entry for the awards is 17:00 on Tuesday 14 September and the awards ceremony will be held on the Friday 26 November following the 'All Wales' Conference: A Healthier Wales: Moving forward together.
Entries are welcome for all the eight categories, six of which are for qualified healthcare scientists and AHPs, one for students and one for support workers.
Awards open to qualified healthcare scientists and AHPs
Category 1.
The Award for New Ways of Working
Sponsored by Welsh Government, Transformation Programme Division
Category 2.
The Award for Leadership and Change Management
Sponsored by Health Education and Improvement Wales
Category 3.
The Award for Improving Public Health Outcomes
Sponsored by Public Health Wales
Category 4.
The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research Delivery
Sponsored by Health and Care Research Wales
Category 5.
The Award for Excellence in Rehabilitation
Sponsored by Attend Anywhere
Category 6.
The Award for Digital and Technology Innovation
Sponsor to be confirmed
Award open to support staff, associates and apprentices working with AHPs and healthcare scientists
Category 7.
The Award for Outstanding Achievement by an AHP or Healthcare Science Apprentice, Support Worker, Assistant or Associate
Sponsored by the Welsh Government
Award open to healthcare science and AHP students
Category 8.
The Award for the Outstanding Student Project which Helps Wales Move Forward Together Sponsored by Health Education and Improvement Wales
There will also be an Overall Winner award which will be selected by the judges from the winners of categories 1 – 7.