Health and Care Research Wales Social Care Grant Webinar

Health and Care Research Wales Social Care Grant Webinar

31 September


  • Are you thinking about applying for funding for Research Funding Scheme: Social Care Grant?

  • Have you wondered how running a project with this scheme can benefit your career long-term?

The social care grant webinar will help you learn about what issues commonly trip applicants up and how you can avoid them. You will also hear about the support you can access to develop a proposal for this scheme. The speakers share their experiences and advice on how to prepare for the Social Care Grants and how you can ensure you submit in time for the deadline at 13:00 on 21 October 2021.

Speakers include:

  • Michael Bowdery, Head of Programmes, Health and Care Research Wales
  • Dr Clive Diaz, Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), Cardiff University
  • Professor Jonathan Scourfield, Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), Cardiff University
  • Professor Jane Noyes, Bangor University
