Older couple holding hands

Opportunity: Research interviews for older adults

The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) and University of Bath are working on a research project involving older people in Wales.

The project is commissioned by the Welsh Government and focuses on older people, their experiences of loneliness and social isolation, and the use of technology, such as mobile phones, laptops, and tablets, to connect with others during the pandemic. The Welsh Government wants to find out if and how technology is being used to help older people connect with others during the pandemic.

The research team are now looking to interview older people (65+) who have received social care services or community sector support and who have a range of experiences of using technology to connect with others. 

The interviews will be held over the telephone or through video calls, will last about 45 minutes and will be recorded (sound only). 

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Josh Coles-Riley by e-mail: josh.coles-riley@wcpp.org.uk or telephone: 029 2251 0876 by February 4, 2022