Nurse taking female member of public's blood pressure

Two new research funding calls

31 September

These funding calls are now closed.

Health and Care Research Wales is pleased to announce two new funding calls are now open for applications. The funding will be available under the following schemes:

  • Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) Wales
  • Research Funding Scheme: Health Research Grant

The RfPPB Wales and Research Funding Scheme: Health Research Grant calls have a two-stage application process. Stage 1 applications will require a summary of the project and the case for prioritisation, and will be assessed on the research need and importance of the research question.

For both these calls the closing date for Stage 1 applications was 13:00 on 20 October 2022. Following assessment, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full/Stage 2 application which will be assessed on the quality and likely impact of the science as well as the value for money.

Remit and priority areas

All applications falling within the general remit of the calls are eligible, however, as usual, we have identified a number of areas in which applications would be particularly welcome.

For both funding calls, we would particularly welcome applications which:

  • align with the healthcare wellbeing objective in the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government; and/or
  • address the challenges set out in A Healthier Wales, the Welsh Government’s strategy for health and social care
  • address issues related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the context of these priority areas. 

Documents to help with applications, along with the eligibility requirements and remits, are now available.

For further information, please contact the funding team.