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IMPACT: Improving Adult Care Together - call for applications for a co-production advisory panel

*The applications are now closed*

SQW, a leading independent provider of research, analysis and advice in economic and social development are recruiting individuals to be part of a Co-production Advisory Panel for the independent evaluation of IMPACT: Improving Adult Care Together. Applications would be welcomed from people who draw on care and support and/or people who are carers, as well as social care practitioners.


IMPACT is the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care. The centre draws on insights from research, lived experience and practice knowledge to make a difference to front-line services and to peoples’ lives. It operates across the four nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), and is co-funded by the Health Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), with funding expected for the next five years.

IMPACT’s key objectives are to enable practical improvements on the ground and make a crucial contribution to longer-term cultural change.

About the evaluation

SQW has been commissioned by the Health Foundation and ESRC to undertake an independent evaluation of IMPACT. The evaluation aims to assess the impact of the Centre and develop understanding of how change was created, for whom & under what conditions, plus generate learning to inform future work and investment. 

The Co-production Panel


The co-production panel will work with the evaluation team to inform, test and challenge the evaluation framework and tools, and will contribute to data analysis and reporting. Members of the co-production panel will have the opportunity to conduct peer research as part of the evaluation activities, alongside members of the evaluation team.

IMPACT already has a Co-production Advisory Group, providing advice and support to the centre around its approach to co-production. This is a separate group, to ensure that lived experience is built into the external evaluation.


The panel will be made up of five representatives of people with lived experience and five people from the adult social care workforce. It will include people from all four nations.

The panel will be as diverse as possible, within the limits of what can be achieved in a group of 10 people. SQW will select a panel that is inclusive of a range of perspectives including gender, age and under-represented communities including the BAME and LGBTQI+ communities.

Please note that anyone who has been directly involved in the work of IMPACT is not able to join the evaluation co-production panel as they may be a source of data for the evaluation. People using or working in organisations or services in areas where IMPACT has worked can apply to join the panel.


The first meeting is scheduled on the 5 of October 11:00-15:00 and you will need to be available on this date. The plan is for the meeting to be in person in London. Other meetings may be in person or online. All in-person meetings will take place in accessible venues.

The next meeting is a workshop in December 2022. Thereafter it is planned that the panel will meet annually, with an additional meeting in 2025, to reflect the flow of the evaluation activity. 

The final meeting in 2027 will review the findings of the evaluation.


Members of the panel will be paid for their time, unless it is included as part of another paid role. 

The payment will be £175 per task for members with lived experience. Members of the workforce will be offered £20 high street voucher per task. 

Specification for panel members and application process

SQW are looking for panel members with the following experience:

  • lived experience of using or needing to use adult social care, yourself and/or as a carer/supporter of a family member or another person
  • experience as a member of the adult social care workforce
  • experience as a member of an under-represented group
  • experience of conducting evaluation and/or research projects.

Find out more and apply

Applications will close on 12 September 2022 at 17:00.

If you would like to discuss joining the panel, please contact the evaluation team on