Dr Victoria Shepherd

Dr Victoria Shepherd

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty awards:

Award: Health and Care Research Wales/NIHR Fellowship Programme (2016 - 2024)

Project title: Deciding about research for others: a feasibility study and effectiveness trial of a novel decision support intervention for consultees and legal representatives of adults lacking capacity to consent (CONSULT)

Project title: Informed consent and proxy decision making in research involving adults lacking capacity: development of an intervention to support proxy informed decision making, set within ethical and legal frameworks


Dr Victoria Shepherd is Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Trials Research at Cardiff University where she leads an interdisciplinary research programme to improve inclusivity of under-served groups in trials, with a focus on adults who lack capacity to consent.

Her current Fellowship is exploring the ethical and methodological challenges surrounding research involving adults who lack capacity, and the development and evaluation of interventions to support their inclusion. She is also involved in the design and conduct of clinical trials, with a particular interest in trials involving complex and alternate consent models such as emergency research and research in care homes.

Victoria leads a number of trials methodology research projects, including the development of the NIHR INCLUDE Impaired Capacity to Consent Framework. She is a registered nurse with a background in critical care and is also a member of an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Chair of the ENRICH Cymru Advisory Board.

Read more about Victoria and their work:

The challenges of research with adults with impaired capacity to consent

We couldn’t have done it without you!

Almost £6.5million awarded to life saving research in Wales



Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University

Contact Victoria

Tel: 02920 687641

