Researcher looking into a microscope

Join Welsh Crucible - searching for the future research leaders of Wales

Apply now to join Welsh Crucible, an award-winning series of residential workshops that supports the personal, professional and leadership development of future research leaders in Wales.

Each year, 30 researchers are selected to participate in a series of ‘skills labs’. The labs offer the opportunity explore how you can benefit from working with researchers in other disciplines, how your research can have greater impact and how you could build an international research career.

Why should I take part?

Welsh Crucible can help you:

Build networks - by helping you develop a close network of like-minded peers and build links with the Welsh Government, National Assembly for Wales and the Welsh media.

Forge collaborations - by helping you learn about new areas of research to facilitate personal and career development and to demonstrate the benefits of research collaboration.

Enhance your professional profile - by helping you develop the confidence to communicate your research to the relevant audiences, ensuring your research has greater visibility and impact.


Welsh Crucible 2023 will take place over three two-day workshops comprising inspiring guest speakers, interactive skills sessions and informal discussions. All programme costs will be covered for the successful applicants, who will be required to attend each of the following residential sessions:

  • 18 – 19 May in Cardiff (hosted by Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University)
  • 8 - 9 June in Aberystwyth (hosted by Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities)
  • 13 - 14 July in Swansea (hosted by Swansea University and the University of South Wales)

How do I apply?

Applications are invited from early to mid-career researchers in any discipline, with a minimum of three years postdoctoral research experience (or equivalent). Applicants should be based in Wales and working either in a partner university or in research and development in business, industry or the public or third sector.

Apply on the Welsh Crucible website.

Deadline for applications is 17 February 2023.