Women around a table.

“From menstruation to menopause” – have your say on reproductive health research for people with autism.

Do you identify as autistic, live in Wales and are over 16 years old?

This is your opportunity to help shape research from Swansea University and the Wellcome Trust about autism and reproductive health by:

  • Giving your opinion on the study
  • Reviewing and editing study documents.

The research study is led and governed by autistic people and will focus on reproductive health, including periods, pregnancy, relationships and gynaecological issues.

There will be an offer of a of payment for time of £25 per hour for the time you are involved, which will be about three hours per month.

If you have any questions or need help applying, you can contact Becky Ellis via email or call 01792 606 156.

You can also find more information about this opportunity and how to apply on the study website.