nurse talking to a patient

MRC Prizes 2023: Nominations now open

The Medical Research Council (MRC) has a portfolio of prizes now open to individuals and teams at different points in their research careers.

The MRC Impact Prize 2023 and MRC Millennium Medal 2023 competitions are open for nominations. These prestigious prizes are awarded annually to outstanding individuals and teams across a broad career stage.

Awardees will have made transformative impacts in medical research, from scientific discoveries to improving the wider research environment and culture.

Nominations are welcome for people who are currently under-represented in some sectors of the research and innovation community, including women, those with a disability and members of minority ethnic groups.

Deadline for nominations: 16:00 on 30 June 2023


MRC Impact Prize 2023

The MRC Impact Prize recognises outstanding contributions in the following three areas:

  • Open Science Impact
  • Outstanding Team Impact
  • Early Career Impact 

Prizes are open to a mix of individuals and teams. Winners receive an award of up to £20,000.

Further details on the eligibility and nomination process can be found on the MRC Impact Prize webpage, or email the team.


MRC Millennium Medal 2023

Open to individuals at a senior level, the MRC Millennium Medal specially created by the Royal Mint is awarded for outstanding contributions towards MRC’s mission to improve human health through world-class medical research.

Nominees should demonstrate:

  • scientific excellence and outstanding impacts
  • a commitment to improving the wider research environment and culture.

Further details on the eligibility and nomination process can be found on the MRC Millennium Medal webpage, or email the team