Dr Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

Dr Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Health and Care Research Wales / NIHR Advanced Fellowship 


Claudia Metzler-Baddeley is a Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience and Health and Care Research Wales/ NIHR Advanced Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University. Prior to joining the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), she was the senior neuropsychologist at the Research Institute for the Care of Older People (RICE) in Bath and held lecturer and post-doctoral research positions at the universities of Sussex, Manchester, and King’s College, London. Her research focuses on the impact of ageing and neurodegeneration on the brain and cognition. She is particularly interested in on how training-induced neuroplasticity can be exploited to the benefit of people with brain disease. She has developed a novel rhythmic auditory stimulation (drumming) training app for people with movement disorders and is currently leading a randomised controlled trial into the feasibility of the app in people with Huntington’s disease.

Read more about Claudia and their work:

Welsh researchers develop interactive drumming app to help people living with Huntington's disease

Almost £6.5million awarded to life saving research in Wales



Reader, Health Care Research Wales/ NIHR Advanced Research Fellow at Cardiff University

Contact Claudia

Tel: 02920 870705
