Two people standing next to each other. One is holding a phone and the other one is clutching a up of coffee. Their faces are cut off from the picture.

Co-developing technology to alleviate loneliness

Loneliness is a negative feeling that is experienced by people of all ages. It occurs when someone feels either the quality or the quantity of their relationships does not meet their expectations. In its chronic form it is linked to serious health risks such as heart disease, dementia, and cognitive decline. Given common late-life factors such as living alone, increased susceptibility to illnesses and the loss of family and friends, loneliness can have a particularly significant impact on the older people.

If you have experienced or currently experience feelings of loneliness, researchers from the Centre for Ageing and Dementia (CADR) would like to hear from you and gain your valuable insight through voluntary participation. They want your help to co-develop collaborative technology solutions which can be designed according to the needs and values those who have experienced loneliness. 

CADR team is inviting individuals who have experienced loneliness to participate in an interactive workshop. The aim of the workshop is to help them better understand loneliness and the ways in which these harmful impacts can be alleviated using technology. 

For any queries or expressions of interest, please contact Saskia Davies. 

For more information visit the CADR website. 

Deadline: 28 July 2023