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New Integrated Funding Scheme now live

23 September

Health and Care Research Wales is pleased to announce the launch of the new Integrated Funding Scheme. In keeping with the actions set out in the Health and Care Research Wales plan, this will replace the previous project-based research funding opportunities (the Research Funding Scheme - consisting of Health Research Grants and Social Care Research Grants - and Research for Patient and Public Benefit Scheme (RfPPB) Wales) with two new researcher-led arms and two application points a year. An arm for commissioned research calls will be added to the scheme next year.

The two researcher-led arms will focus on:

The calls will be assessed via a two-stage application process. Stage 1 applications will need to make the case for the importance and need of the research and outline the methodological approach to address the research question, with assessment focused on whether the case for prioritisation has been made. Following assessment, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full Stage 2 application which will be peer reviewed and assessed by the Health and Care Research Wales Funding Board for its scientific quality. The composition of new panels and funding boards will reflect the type of research applications that will be received under each arm of the scheme, as well as sectoral considerations like NHS Wales and social care research representation.

Integrated Funding Scheme – Call one timeline

  • Stage 1 launch: Wednesday 27 September 2023
  • Stage 1 close: Wednesday 15 November 2023
  • Provisional stage 2 launch: January 2024
  • Provisional stage 2 close: March 2024

Remit and priority areas

The translational and clinical research arm will support translational through to later stage clinical research, with the focus on research aimed at diagnosis, prevention and early intervention, treatment development or treatment improvement for diseases and conditions affecting, or of particular relevance to, people in Wales.

The health and social care services and public health research arm will fund research focused on the organisation and delivery of health and/or social care services or public health issues, including prevention and population health, of importance in Wales.

Applications from early-stage career researchers and those who have not led research before but who are looking to build research portfolios and gain experience of leading research are welcome.

Full remit and eligibility requirements of each these schemes are available on the funding schemes page.

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