Take part in a study on memory and eye-tracking
Nicole Pickford, a PhD student supported by Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR), is researching how memory works using eye-tracking technology. The study aims to show how a new memory task can highlight differences in cognitive performance.
Nicole is specifically looking for participants with a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment. You must also be 65-75 years of age and have normal or corrected-to-normal vision to participate.
If you are eligible for the study, you will be asked to come to an in-person meeting to complete a variety of cognitive tests. The session will last approximately 45 minutes and take place at Singleton Campus at Swansea University.
Additionally, you will be able to claim £10 for participating.
If you would like to participate or find out more about the study, please contact Nicole Pickford.