Two young men posing with where would you be without research badge.

Get involved with world-leading Patient and Public Involvement work as a paid volunteer

Health Technology Wales (HTW) has an exciting opportunity to get involved with their world-leading Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) work as a paid volunteer and help to further develop their Patient and Public Involvement Standing Group (PPISG). 

PPISG is charged with ensuring effective, appropriate and meaningful PPI takes place at the heart of their programme. HTW currently has several openings for new PPISG members who have a background in/understanding of one of the following disciplines:

  • Technologies in social care
  • Medical ethics and/or philosophy
  • One of the key Welsh Government ministerial priority areas (e.g. cancer, diabetes, mental health)
  • Patient experiences in the UK
  • Digital medical devices

As a member of the group you will be offered:

  • a designated person for support
  • training
  • payment
  • opportunities to become involved in national and international PPI activities

For more information and/or an informal conversation or to express your interest, please contact PPI Manager Alice Evans.

Deadline: 21 June