Health and Care Research Wales Integrated Funding Scheme Call 3
3 September
Health and Care Research Wales is pleased to announce the next call for the Integrated Funding Scheme is now closed.
The Integrated Funding Scheme has two researcher-led arms which focus on:
The calls will be assessed via a two-stage application process. Stage 1 applications will need to make the case for the importance and need of the research and outline the methodological approach to address the research question, with assessment focused on whether the case for prioritisation has been made. Following assessment, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full Stage 2 application which will be peer reviewed and assessed by the Health and Care Research Wales Funding Board for its scientific quality.
Deadline to apply: 13:00 Tuesday 15 October 2024
Purpose and remit
The Translational and Clinical Research arm will support translational through to later stage clinical research, with the focus on research aimed at diagnosis, prevention and early intervention, treatment development or treatment improvement for diseases and conditions affecting, or of particular relevance to, people in Wales.
The health and social care services and public health research arm will fund research focused on the organisation and delivery of health and/or social care services or public health issues, including prevention and population health, of importance in Wales.
Scheme eligibility
- Lead and joint lead applicants must be based at an institution or organisation in Wales at the time of applying (or be in receipt of a job offer such that they will be based in the host institution before the project starts).
- Lead and joint lead applicants must have a PhD, UK MD or other research-based professional doctorate in health or care-related research (applications will be accepted from those who have recently submitted their PhD thesis, or equivalent, to their institution for assessment, as long as the doctorate is awarded before the grant starts) or have an equivalent track record of research experience at the time of applying.
- Applications from early-stage career researchers (here defined as an individual who has no more than 60 months post-doctoral research experience, excluding, for example, career breaks, maternity/paternity leave and illness), and those seeking to become lead investigators for the first time, are welcome.
Potential applicants should be aware that proposed research which falls within the scope of any of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) programmes open to the devolved nations is unlikely to be eligible for funding from the Integrated Funding Scheme without appropriate and full justification from the applicants. If the applicant is unsure about their research being in scope of one of the NIHR programmes, applicants should contact the NIHR programme to confirm. Health and Care Research Wales Funding schemes has information about eligible NIHR programmes. Please note, however, that applicants can apply to the Integrated Funding Scheme for research needed to prepare for applications for larger and later stage studies to NIHR and other research funders, and such applications are encouraged.
Please also note that applications which could be in scope for NIHR funding programmes but which have a specific focus on Wales such as responding to Wales-specific policies health and social care need, or service delivery contexts, are in scope and are likely to be accepted by the Integrated Funding Scheme.
Applicants wishing to undertake late-stage laboratory or early-stage translational research in the translational and clinical research arm should explain and justify why they are applying to the Integrated Funding Scheme at this point and not the Medical Research Council (MRC).
Full remit and eligibility requirements are available on the individual schemes’ pages.
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