EMCR Cancer Network Cymru

Early and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Cancer Network Cymru

What is the EMCR Cancer Network Cymru?

A space for Early and Mid Career  Researchers (EMCRs) in cancer in Wales to connect with each other, to share knowledge and learning opportunities across institutions

How often does the group meet?

Online, every two months for two hours. Meetings will feature EMCR presentations from across Wales and invited speakers. We encourage members to give presentations and suggest future topics, so that the group drives its own agenda.

Who can join?

Anyone who is at an early or mid career stage, who undertakes clinical or non-clinical cancer research within Wales.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for the group by completing the Network's registration form

This event is being run by the Wales Cancer Research Centre if you have any questions, please contact the team.


