SAIL databank exhibition stand

SAIL Databank Showcase Webinar

Welcome to the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank Showcase Webinar. This webinar is open to all SAIL Databank users, or anyone else interested in hearing further information on the research theme and wider SAIL updates.

The theme of this webinar is Driving population-scale cancer research to transform patient care and services.

The SAIL Databank Showcase Webinar Series is a great opportunity to hear from guest speakers about the research they're undertaking and to get all the latest information and ask questions across the SAIL Databank team and group leads, including infrastructure, analytical services, data resources and documentation, public engagement, business and other developments and updates.


10:00, Ashley Akbari and Chris Orton - Population Data Science, Swansea University, Welcome and Introductions

10:10, Dr Laura Baker, Swansea University - "Harnessing Welsh Cancer Data: establishing foundations of knowledge for use towards research” 

10:30, Professor Kate Brain, Division of Population Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine, "The value of including diverse voices in cancer early detection studies: insights from behavioural research"

10:50, Dr Arron Lacey, Swansea University - “Utilizing Routinely Collected Data in the SAIL Databank for Early Detection of Cancers”

11:10, Additional speaker pending confirmation

11:30, Updates from SAIL Databank teams.

This event is being run by the SAIL Databank if you have any questions, please contact the event team.

