Help shape research about transfers from home or freestanding midwifery units

Have you or your partner experienced a transfer from a freestanding midwifery unit (birth centre) or home birth either during labour or shortly after birth?


Did you or your partner give birth at home or in a freestanding midwifery unit and did not need to be transferred?

If the answer is yes to either question your thoughts and feedback would be welcomed.

Your thoughts will be gathered through an anonymous survey, and the results will be analysed to help shape future research. At this stage the research is being designed and it is important that the research is relevant for service users.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Please follow this link to answer the survey if you experienced a transfer:  

Please follow this link if to answer the survey if you gave birth at home or in a freestanding midwifery unit and did not need to transfer:  

How can I answer the survey in another language?

If you would like to answer the survey in a language other than English or Welsh, please follow these instructions:

Open Google Translate in your browser.

Click on ‘websites’

Enter the survey link:

If you experienced a transfer –

If you did not experience a transfer -

Use the drop down to select your language

Click the blue arrow to translate

Who can I talk to for support?

If you feel that you would benefit from the opportunity to talk about your birth experience, please contact your local maternity service, most have the option to arrange birth reflections or birth afterthoughts.

There is also some information and support available through the Birth Trauma Association:

The Birth Trauma Association

If you feel that you would like to raise a concern about your care, then please contact your local NHS Trust or Health Board and you will find details for ‘Putting Things Right’.

There is also some guidance available through the 'Birth Rights' website:

Making a complaint - Birthrights

What will happen after the survey closes?
The responses to the surveys will be brought together and reviewed along with information gathered from online or face-to-face groups to help shape the research question and design of the study. This information will be used to support future funding applications.
If the research progresses and funding is secured, there might be the opportunity to be involved in a research advisory group as a service user perspective during the study. If you would like to possibly be involved in any future surveys or group sessions to discuss this research, you can provide your contact details at the end of the survey.

Who can I speak to for more information?

Please contact the Communications, Engagement and Involvement Team at: in the first instance and they will pass your information onto the research team.

A note on language:

The word woman and women will be used throughout the survey as this term identifies most service users in maternity services in the UK. It is recognised however that some people using maternity services may not identify with this term.

Deadline date:


Host Institution:
Powys Teaching Health Board

If you have any questions about this opportunity

Contact the team

Expression of Interest Form

How did you find out about this opportunity?
If social media, which channel?
I have read and agree to the public involvement agreement
GDPR statement
Health and Care Research Wales will only use the personal information you are providing in order for us to perform the task which you are providing the information for. Please follow the link to our Privacy Policy and tick below to indicate that you agree to us proceeding with the task: