NHS Research Time Award

If awarded the Research Time Award there are three main clinical trials that I will be actively involved in, this involvement is above and beyond what I could undertake within the time constraints of my current role.

Lead on my own pilot stroke study to explore if the metabolomic biomarkers identified immediately (within the first 24 hours following the onset of stroke symptoms) and collected at set time points during stroke recovery, can be used to assess the severity of a patient’s stroke and predict their functional and cognitive recovery potential.

Funding has already been successfully secured by Prof Mur, Aberystwyth University for a KESS master’s student to work on the project. He will work to assess the metabolite variation using the high-resolution mass spectrometry suite at Aberystwyth University.

Key questions this study aims to address are:

  1. Are the metabolomic profiles of individuals with severe stroke different from those of patients with less severe strokes?
  2. As a patient recovers, are we able to see a pattern of metabolomic change that is represented across all participants?
  3. Can we see a change in the metabolomic profile that is consistent with the level and speed of recovery?
  4. Are we able to see a change in the metabolomic profile prior to a patient’s condition declining?
  5. Do we see a stabilisation of the metabolomic profile once a patient’s recovery has plateaued?

My activities will include:

  • Lead the project as the Chief Investigator
  • Co-ordination and attendance at study meetings
  • Writing of study protocol
  • Preparation of patient facing documents (PIS, consent)
  • Preparation of clinical report form (CRF)
  • Preparation of sample handling protocol
  • Obtaining ethical approvals
  • Recruitment of 20-30 stroke patients
  • Co-supervision of master’s student
  • Dissemination of research findings
  • Identify and apply for suitable grant funding to take the project forward after the pilot stage is completed
  • Organising public involvement with stroke survivors and their families/carers to inform the design of the follow-on project

The second project I will lead on is a Juvenescence Ltd commercial project in collaboration with Prof. Mur’s team and Dynamic Extractions Ltd. The project aims to develop new strategies for how a precision nutrients can be used to aid stroke recovery as well as reduce the risk of stroke.

My proposed activities include:

  • Principal Investigator
  • Attending meetings with researchers and commercial partners to develop the project
  • Preparation of patient facing documents (PIS, consent)
  • Preparation of clinical report form (CRF)
  • Recruitment of 20-30 stroke patients
  • Co-supervision of master’s student
  • Dissemination of research findings

The third study I will work on will be as a co-investigator on a feasibility study exploring the use of computer game technology in the early diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. This research will look at the feasibility of using a computer game diagnostic tool, called G:DATA, in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. It will do this by providing a clinical benchmark, consolidating the results of gameplay performance against current clinical gold-standard assessments, during a clinical study conducted with two patient groups (patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), patients with mild AD-related dementia) and a healthy controls group.

My proposed activities include:

  • Attending meetings with other co-investigators and CI to develop project
  • Input on study design and development
  • Assist on writing of protocol
  • Assist on preparation of patient facing documents (PIS, consent)
  • Assist on Preparation of clinical report form (CRF)
  • Facilitate the opening, and lead the study in Ceredigion (hospital, primary care, community)

In addition to this work, I will collaborate with Hywel Dda’s university partners to develop new neurological studies to open across the region and nationally.


Dr Helen Tench

Start date
14 February 2023
End date
31 March 2026
NHS Research Time Award
Project Reference