Siân Griffin

Dr Siân Griffin

Specialty Lead for Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders

Health and Care Research funding award:  

Award: NHS Research Time Award (April 2016 - March 2019)

Project titlePerform a detailed immunophenotyping and bio marker analysis of patients who are sensitised

Dr Siân Griffin is a Consultant Nephrologist in Cardiff and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University. She is the General Secretary of the British Transplantation Society and Chair of the UK Renal Research Consortium Transplantation Clinical Study Group. She is a former Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellow (PhD immunology, Cambridge University), American Heart Association post-doctoral fellow (University of Washington, Seattle) and Clinical Research Time Award recipient (2016 – 2019).

Current research interests:

  • Chief Investigator, Improving Transplant Opportunities for Patients who are Sensitised (ITOPS, IRAS 231116. Funder, Kidney Research UK)
  • Chief Investigator, CMV Immune Responses in Renal Transplant Recipients (CMV- IR, IRAS 235946). Coordination of clinical samples to support laboratory studies by Dr Farah Latif (WCAT), supervised by Professor Ian Humphries and Dr Richard Stanton, Cardiff University (Funder, Wellcome Trust)
  • Chief Investigator, Engaging and supporting women with Chronic Kidney Disease with pre-conception decision making: A mixed methods study (CKD-ENGAGE, IRAS 281999. Funder, Kidney Care UK and British Renal Society)
  • Co-Investigator, Understanding the holistic experiences of living with a kidney transplant (IRAS 274448, Funder, British Renal Society)
  • Co-Investigator, Transplant Antibody-mediated Rejection: Guiding Effective Treatments (TAR:GET-1, IRAS 291748. Funder, National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme)
  • Principal Investigator for additional trials in dialysis, glomerulonephritis (including vasculitis, nephrotic syndrome, IgA nephropathy, aHUS and membranous nephropathy) and transplantation

In the news: 

Health and Care Research Wales invests in leaders across Wales to shape the research of the future (April 2022)

Welsh high-risk kidney patients part of new COVID study (September 2021)

Contact Siân

