Professor Ceri Battle
Joint Specialty Lead for Trauma & Emergency Care
Health and Care Research Wales funding awards:
- Integrated Funding Scheme - Arm 2: Health and Social Care Services and Public Health Research
(October 2024 - September 2026)
- Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) Wales
(October 2021 - September 2023)
(October 2016 - September 2018)
- Health Research Fellowship Scheme
(October 2020 - September 2025)
Project title: Co-PaCT study: Development of Co-produced guidance for the care of Patients with blunt Chest wallTrauma: a mixed methods study
- NHS Research Time Award
(April 2018 - March 2021)
Ceri Battle has been a critical care and emergency medicine physiotherapist in Swansea for 20 years. Following the completion of her PhD in 2013, her role evolved into a clinical academic post. Her main research interests are in trauma and emergency medicine epidemiology and she was recently appointed Honorary Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine Research at the Swansea University School of Medicine. Ceri currently has an Advanced Fellowship from Health and Care Research Wales, which allows her to focus on the completion of her chest trauma work, including the STUMBL2 Trial. She also works as Director of Epidemiology at the Welsh Centre for Emergency Medicine Research with Professor Adrian Evans, Morriston Hospital.
In the news:
Health and Care Research Wales announces latest round of researcher funding awards (October 2024)
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023 (February 2023)
Congratulations to Professor Ceri Battle (January 2023)
Health and Care Research Wales announces recipients of 2019-20 funding awards worth over £5 million (November 2022)
Health and Care Research Wales invests in leaders across Wales to shape the research of the future (November 2022)
Almost £6.5million awarded to life saving research in Wales (October 2022)
From playing netball for Wales to leading life-changing Welsh physiotherapy research (April 2022)