An elderly couple on getting on a train.

Do you work in the retail, hospitality or transport sector? 

Take part in a research study examining hearing loss in noisy environments.

Researchers from Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR) are looking for participants who work in retail, hospitability, transport and other noisy environments.

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the difficulties people with hearing loss experience in a variety of noisy/distracting places and how such sounds and noise affect not only hearing, but also our attention, how we think, our wellbeing and how we socialise. There is evidence suggesting that people with hearing loss tend to avoid these environments and this can contribute to social isolation for them which may go on to affect their health and wellbeing.  

For more information email or call Dr Emma Richards from Swansea University. 

Deadline: 30 September 2023