An older couple, a woman and a man, struggling to use technology aka a smartphone and a laptop.

Help address digital exclusion in your community

The use of digital technology across society and our public services has increased in recent years which has created barriers for many people who are not online trying to access services and information.

If you (or an older person you know) have struggled to do something that matters to you due to not being online or because of difficulties using digital technology the Older People's Commissioner for Wales would like hear about your experiences and any problems this may have created.

Issues relating to digital exclusion are frequently raised with the Older People's Commissioner for Wales and the Commissioner is keen to learn more about the kinds of issues and challenges older people are facing. For example, a number of older people have told the Commissioner they have been unable to take part in online / video call appointments with their GP and have been unable to book a face-to-face appointment. Others have spoken about the difficulties they have faced when forced to use an app to pay for things like parking the car, which in some cases has meant they are unable to get out and about and do the things that matter. 

To share your experiences and help ensure older people’s voices are heard fill in this online survey or get in touch with the team via phone or email. You can request a paper copy of the form to be delivered to your home.