Two women discussing health and care research

Help review the Royal College of Midwives Research Strategy

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Research Strategy Working Group are guiding the development of the second RCM Research Strategy. The Research Strategy indicates the determination of the RCM to be an organisation that has research evidence at its core and its commitment to enhancing the research capacity and capability of midwives for the benefit of women, babies and families.

The new Strategy will set out the aims of the RCM Research Team between 2025-2028, replacing the current Strategy which concludes in 2024.

A draft strategy has been developed by the Working Group and they are now seeking feedback on the broad aims and focus of this strategy via an online survey.

Feedback from this survey will be discussed by the Working Group at their next meeting.

The short survey will take approximately five minutes to complete and deadline for completion is 8 September 2024.