Three women chatting at a break during a meeting

Share your views on cancer inequalities

Cancer doesn’t affect everyone equally. There are differences in the cancer types observed, stage and route of diagnosis, and responses to treatment between different groups of people. These lead to differences in outcomes and experiences. These differences are called cancer inequalities. Research to understand what causes these differences will lead to improved outcomes for everyone. 

The reasons why this happens are complex and deeply woven in our society and affect all aspects of living healthy lives. These can include where people live, family circumstances, their gender, ethnicity, age, faith, sexuality and any disabilities or medical conditions, and overall, their access to services

Cancer Research UK are inviting you to complete a short survey to help researchers understand what’s important to you and how you feel about Cancer Research UK’s role in funding research into cancer inequalities. Your views will help to shape their approach to funding research which benefits everyone.

The research team would like to hear from people affected by cancer and the wider public of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.

Learn more and complete the survey.