three women talking and making notes

Could you help make sure voices of people affected by cancer are heard?

Tenovus Cancer Care wants to work closely with communities across Wales to ensure what matters most to those affected by cancer is heard and addressed, whether this is through research, policy or services. To achieve this, they aim to set up a group of people living with cancer who ensure Tenovus Cancer Care always works in the best interests of those affected by cancer.

To assist with the set up, and ensure full involvement with patient and public representatives, Tenovus Cancer Care are would like you to advise on all aspects of the creation of their new group, including:

  • Discussing the concept itself
  • Analysing strategy
  • Setting priorities
  • Covering practical issues such as recruitment, communication methods, frequency
  • Contributing your views, representing the voice of the public
  • Reviewing relevant documents

For more information and to express an interest visit the Tenovus Cancer Care website