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Public Engagement and Involvement Forum

The July Forum will focus on the impact members of the public have on the development of research studies and the value they provide for researchers. You will also hear about the new payment guidance which is ready to be put into practice.

The Forum is a network for researchers, the public and people working in health and social care research in Wales to discuss issues and drive improvement in public engagement and involvement.


09:55 – Chat opens

10:00 - 10:05 – Welcome from the session chair 

Alex Newberry, Head of Public Involvement, Research and Development Division, Welsh Government 

10:05 - 11:05 – Session 1: Researcher perspective on the impact public involvement has on their work 

Session chair: Richenda Leonard, Public Involvement, Engagement and Communications Administrator for DEEP; PhD Student 

  1. Alisha Newman, Public Involvement Academic Lead for the Wales Cancer Research Centre  
  2. Abigail MacArthur, Research Coordinator, Wales Cancer Biobank 
  3. Michaela James, Child Health and Physical Activity Researcher, National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research 
  4. Praveena Pemmasani, Co-Researcher, Young Persons Advisory Group, The Transdisciplinary Research for the Improvement of Youth Mental Public Health (TRIUMPH) Network;
  5. Asha Mohammed, Co-Researcher, Young Persons Advisory Group, TRIUMPH Network. 

11:05 - 11:15 – Break 

11:15 - 12:10 – Session 2: Public involvement payment project – Making an impact in Wales 

Session chair: Bob McAlister, Co- Chair “Payment for public involvement” UK5Nations Subgroup 

  • Development of the guidance – Alex Newberry and Bob McAlister 
  • Does public involvement pay off in the midst of bureaucracy? - Hameed Khan, Public contributor  
  • Workshop session – Promoting and putting the guidance into practice - Alex Newberry and Peter Gee, Senior public involvement manager, Health and care research wales 

12:10 - 12:25 – Session 3: Health and Care Research Wales public involvement updates 

Alex Newberry, Head of Public Involvement, Research and Development Division,  
Welsh Government 

Peter Gee, Senior Public Involvement Manager, Health and Care Research Wales 

12:25 - 12:30 – Summary and close 

Alex Newberry, Head of Public Involvement, Research and Development Division,  
Welsh Government 

