Nurses working together

RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2024

Inclusivity in nurse research: working together to make a difference

Nurse-led research aims to achieve positive impact for all. However, key populations continue to be under-represented and under-served.

This year’s Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference will specifically showcase research that addresses the needs of under-served populations. They will also celebrate research that uses innovative designs to facilitate inclusion of all stakeholders.

The programme will also feature:

  • research with under-served populations
  • research using inclusive methods and/or achieving true diversity
  • inter-disciplinary research
  • clinical effectiveness and nursing research
  • evaluating change
  • patient experience and the role of research
  • health and social care policy research
  • the impact of research on nurse-sensitive outcomes.

New for 2024 - Clinical Research Nursing

The RCN is delighted that for the very first time, this year’s conference will include specific sessions focused on Clinical Research Nursing and are open to all delegates. This will support learning across nurses who deliver research and will also be of interest to those that lead and design research. The programme will highlight advances, challenges and solutions and share best practice within clinical research nursing and enable networking with colleagues from both delivery and nurse research backgrounds. 

First keynote speakers have also been announced

Prof Carl May

Carl May is Professor of Health Systems Implementation at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. 

Prof Annette Hand

Professor of Nursing – Clinical Academic, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust/Northumbria University

This conference is being run by the Royal College of Nursing if you have any questions, please contact the event team.


Northumbria University. Newcastle Upon Tyne