Father and daughter playing

Reflective practice and learning: magic moments and tragic moments

Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) is a co-production approach to gathering, exploring, and using diverse types of evidence in learning and development using story and dialogue-based methods.

The importance of gathering and exploring stories of experience

Whether you are providing or commissioning services, it is important to get a measure of and learn from the quality of people’s experiences. Whilst this can be captured in part through surveys, there is a growing recognition that people’s stories can be more powerful in learning-focused evaluation. Gathering evidence of people’s experiences is included in the Social Services Performance and Improvement Framework.

This session

This half-day session will introduce people to a simple and practical method for gathering and learning from people’s stories of experience. Starting with an outline of the principles behind Experience Based Co-Design (Bate and Robert, 2007), it will go on to explain how to gather people’s ‘magic moments’ and ‘tragic moments.’ It will conclude with exploring how these stories can be used as a catalyst for learning and development.

Who might benefit from the session?

Magic and tragic moments is a straightforward, engaging, and easy to understand method that is relevant for practitioners, managers, people supported by services and unpaid carers. The session will particularly benefit people interested in service development and improvement and people who implement the Social Services Performance and Improvement Framework.

This conference is being run by Social Care Wales if you have any questions, please contact the event team.

