Wales Mental Health Leadership Exchange conference
Insights from a series of knowledge exchanges will be presented at this residential conference at Aberystwyth University. The conference will be a chance to shape the future direction of services, including workshops, keynote speeches, showcases on evidence informed practice and networking opportunities.
The conference will take place over two full days with an optional opening reception on the evening prior. The knowledge exchanges and conference are free to attend but expenses will need to be agreed and covered by individual organisations.
Knowledge Showcase – poster gallery
The NHS Wales Executive is inviting teams and individuals, from across health, social care, education and the Third Sector, including individuals or groups with lived-experience, to submit posters to showcase evidence informed practice around person-centred and needs led improvements in mental health in Wales as part of a poster gallery at the conference.
Submitting a poster is an opportunity to nationally highlight how improvement work is having a positive impact on experience and outcomes.
Deadline to submit interest to display a poster: Friday 14 March
The event is being organised by NHS Wales Executive, if you have any queries please contact the team.
Price: TBC