Let’s celebrate your achievements - apply now for the MediWales Innovation Awards
12 September
Apply now for a chance of winning the Health and Social Care Research Partnership with Industry Award, supported by Health and Care Research Wales. The award will be presented at the nineteenth annual MediWales Innovation Awards on 5 December 2024.
This award is for Welsh health professionals, clinicians, or health boards that have partnered with industry to deliver a project or developed a collaboration with a particular focus on health or social care research. Projects should have a positive impact on the health, wellbeing, and prosperity of the people in Wales.
The MediWales Innovation Awards are divided into two categories; industry awards and health awards. Only Welsh companies, or companies with a footprint in Wales are eligible to apply for the industry awards.
Only Welsh health boards or companies working in collaboration with a Welsh health board are eligible to apply for the health awards. All applications for the health awards must come from the health professionals, clinicians, health board that the company has worked in collaboration with.
The event will feature a number of awards across industry and health sectors:
2024 Industry Awards
- Innovation
- Start-up
- Partnership with the NHS
- Export
- Outstanding achievement
2024 Health Awards
- NHS Wales working with Industry
- Technology and Digital Impact
- Scaling Up Innovation and Transformation
- Social Care Innovation through Collaboration
- Health and Social Care Research Partnership with Industry
Last year’s winners of the Health and Social Care Research Partnership with Industry Award were a team led by Professor Alan Parker, Head of Section of Solid Cancers at the Cardiff University School of Medicine. They looked at whether technology, called UltraVision could capture particles of COVID-19 and other viruses during surgery and make them harmless, reducing the risk of infection for patients.
Professor Parker said: “This has been a fantastic example of how research can have wider reaching positive impacts than initially intended.
“Working with our industry partner has allowed us to take a technology initially designed to increase a surgeon's field of view during surgery, and use it to continue lifesaving work, even in the face of a worldwide pandemic.”
To enter an award category supported by Health and Care Research Wales send an email to Bethan Davies at MediWales asking for Health and Social Care Research Partnership Awards with Industry application form. You can also contact Bethan for information on how to apply for any of the other awards.
The deadline for entries is 11 October 2024.