family support services

Choose the social care priorities in Wales

27 June

*This survey is now closed*

Health and Care Research Wales has jointly developed a second survey about social care and family support services with Social Care Wales, in association with the James Lind Alliance. The surveys will help inform our research priorities for care and support of families and children, and improve social care services in Wales.

Comments from the first survey have been turned into questions that could be answered by research and we need your help in choosing which are most important. Real-life experiences and views of families and social care practitioners are crucial and that is why we need to hear from you.

Get involved and make a difference

You are welcome to take part in this survey if you have been in contact with family support services; or you are a social care practitioner employed to deliver family support services in Wales.

We want to ensure a wide range of voices have a chance to be heard, and learn more about your experiences, opinions and biggest concerns. Please encourage your family, friends and work associates to take part in this survey.

The survey will be closing on 30 June.

Act now to make a difference!