Annual report front cover

Health and Care Research Wales’ annual conference champions the individuals making research happen

21 October

Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan MS, praised the crucial role of good research in improving health and social care services and outcomes in Wales ahead of Health and Care Research Wales’ annual conference.

The conference theme was “People make research”, with speakers and topics highlighting the vital part individuals and delivery teams have played in Wales’ research successes over the past year.

The very best of these successes are documented in Health and Care Research Wales’ annual report, published Thursday 12 October and launched during the conference at Swansea Arena.

Both the conference and the annual report also provided opportunities to look at how to capitalise on this momentum, enhance and safeguard the future of health and care research in Wales; from career development opportunities for research staff at all levels, to significant new funding commitments and calls for greater parity of funding across the UK.

Over the last year, Health and Care Research Wales has continued to fund research centres, projects and individual awards including 29 new research awards amounting to investment of almost £4.5million. It also established the Health and Care Research Wales Faculty which aims to support research career development at every level, and built on the success of the COVID-19 Evidence Centre with the launch of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre, in which it has committed to invest more than £7 million over the next five years. 

Ms Morgan said: 

I am so grateful to every single person that has contributed to Welsh research over the past year – from the researchers working in universities and health boards, to practicing clinicians of all professions, to managers and senior leaders including health board members, research nurses, social care practitioners and support and delivery staff making research happen. You have all played, and continue to play, a vital role in our research success.

I was delighted earlier this year to endorse the Health and Care Research Wales plan for 2022-2025, which sets out a clear and challenging agenda for improving health and care research and ensures that Wales plays a full part in the research agenda across the UK and internationally.”

Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales said: 

This year we consulted, drafted and published our three-year action plan, “Research matters: our plan for improving health and care research in Wales”. While we are focused on delivering what that plan promises, it is also important to remind ourselves of just how far we have come this year. 

“Through our annual report and conference, I am once again proud to be showcasing the research excellence and efforts across Wales over the last year, with a special focus on the inspirational individuals and teams whose tireless work is breaking new ground, transforming care and delivering results for people and communities across Wales.” 

The conference at Swansea Arena showcased the very latest in health and social care research, from policy development to public involvement. There were sessions on developing a research career in Wales, the impact of working with industry on patients in trials and why diversity without inclusion is not enough, as well as TED-style talks from five researchers exploring their personal research journeys. 

Speakers included Dr Lilian Hunt, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health Lead (EDIS), Wellcome Trust; Dr Rob Orford, Chief Scientific Advisor for Health in Wales; Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales.

For the full conference programme, click here.