Consultation on the content of the draft NHS R&D Framework
10 May
During winter/ spring 2023, an NHS R&D framework was developed through a co-creation process with key stakeholders, facilitated by Health and Care Research Wales. The draft framework outlines what ‘research excellence looks like’ within NHS organisations in Wales where research is embraced, integrated into services and is a core part of the organisation’s culture.
The co-creation process with key stakeholders was facilitated by Health and Care Research Wales through six workshops in winter 2022/23. Delegates at the workshops were asked about the key features of NHS organisations that embrace research, what more is needed to enable NHS organisations to integrate research into healthcare and the next steps to ensure successful framework development and delivery.
The key themes from the workshops relating to the key characteristics of a research active organisation are provided in the paper: Key themes from the workshops to develop an NHS R&D Framework. The draft NHS R&D Framework is now available for wide consultation for a three-week period in May 2023.
All stakeholders are invited to send feedback on the framework by 17:00 on 1 June 2023.
If you would like to discuss the key themes from the consultation workshops or the draft framework, please email Helen Grindell.
Once the feedback has been received and the framework has been finalised, the aim is to publish the framework in June 2023 and to develop implementation plans where needed, with Health and Care Research Wales and NHS organisations working collaboratively to achieve the features of research supportive organisations.