Three women discussing research at a table

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty personal award schemes - now open

5 September

The Health and Care Research Wales Faculty is pleased to announce the following personal awards are open: 

  • Advancing Researcher Award

  • Personal Award Accelerator

  • Trials Development Award

These personal awards are intended to advance research careers for health and social care researchers in Wales. They offer protected time to engage in developmental research activities and allow for non-staff costs (such as travel and subsistence, public involvement costs, IT equipment). The schemes have been developed to provide flexible and inclusive support for researchers at different stages of their research careers.  

The application window opened on 5 September 2024 and closes at 16:00 on Thursday 10 October 2024.

Advancing Researcher Scheme 

This award has been developed to facilitate the progression of mid-career researchers as they transition and progress to the next phase of their health and social care research career. It offers protected time to engage in developmental research activities including forming an hypothesis, identifying and prioritising research questions and research proposal and grant development work. The scheme provides flexible and inclusive support for researchers in the middle stage of their research careers.  

The award of the Advancing Research Scheme has been invaluable in giving me time and support to explore research ideas and plans in digital health and mental health difficulties/support in the transition from child to adult life. It has acted as a bridge from my recent fellowship to the next step in my clinical academic career.” Dr Rhys Bevan Jones, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Cardiff University 

Advancing Researcher Scheme surgeries

If you have any questions about the Advancing Researcher Scheme, ask the team at one of the surgeries:

  • Tuesday, 10 September 10:00 – 11:00
  • Monday, 23 September 14:30 – 15:30

To book your place at a surgery email the team

Personal Award Accelerator 

This is a cohort-based scheme which will support a small group of researchers to develop competitive personal award applications to relevant UK funders including, at both doctoral and advanced stages, and which are open to applicants from Devolved Nations, as well as major charitable funders. This award will provide opportunities for networking and internships that will enhance the likelihood of success in the proposed funding scheme. Award holders will be able to access methodological support aligned to progressing these applications.  

The Award has made a huge difference to my research career. First and foremost it had given me protected time to think about research. It’s getting that time for mentorship, that support, the individual support that I have received from other Faculty members and my research mentor. It has really, really helped my confidence and now I have a goal, I know what to do next.” Dr Sushmita Mohapatra, Consultant Therapist for Stroke, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board  

Personal Award Accelerator surgeries

If you have any questions about the Personal Award Accelerator, ask the team at one of the surgeries:

  • Tuesday, 10 September 10:00 – 11:00
  • Monday, 23 September 14:30 – 15:30

To book your place at a surgery email the team

Trials Development Award 

This is a personal award which is intended to support health and social care researchers who are working towards leading (or co-leading) a high-quality and high-impact funded randomised trial in health and/or social care and who would benefit from further training within a registered Clinical Trial Unit (CTU). The ultimate objective of the scheme is for award holders to develop and lead high impact, practice-changing trials in the future as a Chief Investigator (CI). The scheme offers protected time to engage in developmental research activities and has been developed to provide flexible and inclusive support for researchers at any stage of their research careers, but who are now ready to make funding applications on which they would be a CI or Co-CI. 

This Award offers a unique opportunity for researchers who are ready to lead their own randomised trial. Award holders will be given the time and support to work with a registered trials unit to turn their research idea into a fundable trial application. The scheme combines mentoring and practical support to enhance trials expertise in Wales. Apply for a chance to deepen your skills and advance your work.” Claire O’Neill, Researcher Development Advisor, Health and Care Research Wales Faculty 

Trials Development Award surgeries

If you have any questions about the Trials Development Award, ask the team at one of the surgeries:

  • Wednesday, 11 September 10:00 – 11:00
  • Tuesday, 24 September 14:00 – 15:00

To book your place at a surgery email the team