Have your say on the future of Healthcare Science in Wales
31 July
The Healthcare Science Research and Innovation Strategy is the first of its kind, it sets out a vision and accompanying blueprint specific to NHS Wales Healthcare Science Workforce. Your voice will help shape the final version of the five-year Research and Innovation Strategy for healthcare professionals in Wales which will contribute to essential factors of change, along with quality and value-based healthcare improvement.
You’re invited to review the strategy and complete the survey.
Live webinars
- 29 July
In-person events
- 5 August – Conwy Business Centre, North Wales,
- 12 August – The Chapel, Singleton Hospital, South West Wales
- 19 August - The Grange, Cwmbran, South East Wales.
This consultation phase closes at midnight on Monday 25 August 2024.
The Healthcare Science Programme Team at Health Education Improvement Wales would like you to share your opinions and expertise to pave the way for a healthier Wales together through research and innovation.