Research activity board

Independent Board members to champion research across NHS Wales

31 March

Health boards and NHS organisations in Wales have appointed one of their non-executive directors to be the voice of research and development on their Boards, as part of a new initiative by Health and Care Research Wales.

Increasing the visibility of research and embedding it within all NHS services are essential to drive improvement, as well as ensure that all patients have access to the latest treatments and high quality, evidence-based care, including prevention.

In March 2021, all four nations of the UK signed up to a new 10 year vision for research - Saving and Improving Lives: The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery - which lays out the ambition to create a world-leading UK clinical research environment.

As part of Wales’s commitment to embed research across the NHS, Chief Medical Officer Dr Frank Atherton has asked all NHS organisations to nominate an Independent member on the Board to champion research as part of their wider portfolio of responsibilities. 

Wales is the first UK nation to introduce such as initiative.

The Independent members will work closely with the Executive Director responsible for research, as well as the directors of R&D in each organisation, to ensure that research is on the radar at Board level and that the profile of research is increased amongst staff and patients across all health boards and NHS organisations.

“I am very grateful to the Independent Members who have taken up this mantle and agreed to be the champion for research on the Boards of their organisation,” said Dr Atherton. “As demonstrated during the pandemic the role of research in finding solutions is a critical one and, as we emerge from the pandemic, wider health and care research is needed to help us to find innovative treatments for the future and to meet the additional challenges that our population, and health and care system, faces.

The role of the Board champion for R&D will involve:

  • developing an understanding of the importance of research as a key driver for good health and social care services, supporting the promotion of Wales wide research campaigns and
  • engaging with the lead Executive Director and Research and Development lead to ensure local research activity is promoted and supported, monitored and reported effectively at Board level.

Director of Health and Care Research Wales, Professor Kieran Walshe said he welcomed the appointments and looked forward to providing support to enable them to champion research effectively.

“All NHS organisations have a significant part to play in facilitating a supportive and person-centred environment by embedding research as part of all healthcare services,” he said.

“We know that NHS organisations that are active in research see improved health outcomes not just for those participating in research, but for all patients. In addition, investment in research leads to economic benefits for the NHS that can support frontline services including the development and retention of the workforce.”

You can find out more about each Independent Member champion on the Health and Care Research Wales website.