Research nurse working on laptop

New open access membership allows researchers to share findings more easily

31 May

Health and Care Research Wales has joined 35 other funders to become the newest member of Europe PMC, a life-sciences repository providing open access to more than 40 million articles.  

Health and Care Research Wales is committed to ensuring the findings from the research it funds, are accessible to as many people as possible.  

Becoming a member of Europe PMC means researchers can submit their manuscript free of charge.  

Michael Bowdery, Head of Programmes at Health and Care Research Wales, said: 

“We believe that open access publishing is essential as it encourages timely sharing of knowledge, prevents duplication and waste, and ultimately increases research impact and progression.  

“This is an important step in enabling our health and social care researchers to share their findings more easily, so their research can have greater benefits for the research community and for health and social care. 

“Our new open access policy, which comes into force on 1 September 2022, will mean that 100 per cent of published journal articles, arising from our funding, will be made open access immediately upon publication.” 

Read our open access policy and information about publishing an open access article

For further information about the policy or Europe PMC, please contact the grants team

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