
Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre informs new safety rules around tattoos and piercings in Wales

30 December

Wales has become the first nation in the UK to introduce new regulations for special procedures, including tattoos, piercings, acupuncture and electrolysis, a decision informed by the work of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre.

The Centre reviewed research evidence around the health risks associated with these procedures, focussing on infections and allergic reactions, and highlighting the importance of infection prevention and control practices.

Findings from this review were used by the Welsh Government to create the new Guidance for Special Procedures in Wales, including information on how health risks can be reduced by:

  • Cleaning and maintaining the environment as well as fixtures and fittings where the special procedure is performed.
  • Hand hygiene
  • Adequate skin cleansing with the use of antiseptics prior to the procedure being undertaken
  • Improved decontamination practices, including cleaning and sterilisation
  • Ensuring inks, pigments and water are sterile to avoid contamination

Launched in 2023, the Centre was created to provide Ministers and other decision-makers with vital research evidence to tackle health and social care challenges facing Wales.

Professor Adrian Edwards, Director of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre, said: “More and more people in the UK are undergoing special procedures which can be associated with health risks, therefore it’s vital we understand how we can prevent and control infection.

“The Centre’s work has been essential to help inform new Welsh Government regulations ensuring people across Wales can be sure they’re having a procedure from a licensed professional in a clean and safe environment.”

Under the new rules all practitioners will need to complete an infection prevention and control course tailored to special procedures. Their premises or vehicles will also need to meet strict safety and hygiene standards to ensure they meet public health requirements.

Keep up to date with all the latest work from the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre by signing up to our weekly bulletin. You can also read the full special procedures report on the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre website.