Two female nurses in blue scrubs walking through hospital corridor.

Spotting domestic abuse sooner thanks to police and healthcare data

9 August

Identifying domestic abuse victims earlier could help to reduce future emergency medical admissions, new research published by the National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research (NCPHWR) shows.

The study, conducted by Natasha Kennedy and Amrita Bandyopadhyay, shows how early identification of domestic abuse victims could be done even before they involve the police, by connecting information gathered by the police and hospitals.

The study showed that many victims of domestic abuse often visit accident and emergency departments before the police get involved. This means that healthcare professionals can play a crucial role in identifying and helping people who are experiencing abuse.

The NCPHWR combined data from the police with data from GPs and accident and emergency hospital admissions. They focused on residents in the South Wales Police catchment area who had experienced domestic abuse between August 2015 and March 2020, and who were given a public protection notification (PPN). This is a document that records safeguarding concerns about adults or children.

Read the full article in The Conversation or visit the NCPHWR website.