a nurse measuring blood pressure for a woman

Stroke Association/Health and Care Research Wales Partnership Award

31 June

The Stroke Association is partnering with Health and Care Research Wales to fund vital research to improve the lives of people affected by stroke across the UK. 

 The funding call is looking for multidisciplinary projects that address priorities in stroke research as set out in the Priority Setting Partnership with the James Lind Alliance. All applications from Wales are encouraged and will be assessed on their own merits.

The award aims to fund at least one project grant application from Wales for research that has a clear pathway to impact and focus on benefits to people affected by stroke for up to three years in duration.

Project grant applications will be adjudicated in two stages.

Deadline for applications

Stage 1: now open for applications until 21 August 2023

Stage 2: 8 December 2023

Find out more information about remit, eligibility and how to apply on the project grant website, or email the team.