Top 10 research priorities for communication around women’s health
24 March
We are excited to share with you the top ten research priorities relating to:
Communication around women’s health
These priorities are the result of our latest research prioritisation project where we heard directly from women, girls and healthcare practitioners.
The surveys
In October 2024 we asked three open questions about women and girls’ experiences relating to communication around women’s health. We had over 500 responses which were analysed and gave us a list of 37 questions.
In January 2025 respondents were asked to select their top ten priorities from the list of 37, which gave us a short list of 17 questions.
Finally, we held an in-depth workshop with nine women and seven practitioners from a range of disciplines in health services. The 17 questions were discussed in small groups and they individually voted for their top ten at the end of the workshop.
The top ten priorities
- How can populations of women and girls that are under-served and/or with cultural, social or language barriers be supported in accessing health information?
- How can best practice be established in talking and raising awareness in women and girls about issues associated with menopause, perimenopause and menstrual health?
- What are the best approaches in ensuring health professionals are properly equipped and trained to communicate effectively with women and girls about their health issues?
- How can women and girls with learning disabilities and/or who are neurodivergent be best communicated with about issues relating to their health and healthcare?
- How can open discussions about health issues affecting women and girls be encouraged and facilitated within healthcare, schools and the wider society?
- What are the best approaches in helping women and girls feel listened to, understood and taken seriously in healthcare consultations?
- What is best practice in engaging, informing and educating women and girls in sexual health including contraception and preparation for pregnancy?
- What is the best way to engage, inform and educate women who need maternal mental health support?
- How can healthcare professionals embed compassion and person-centredness into their interactions with women and girls to ensure they feel ‘seen’ and heard during consultations?
- How could technology be better designed and best used to provide communication about healthcare services to women and girls? (eg: apps, videoconferencing, text or online services)
Next steps
A subset of these priorities will be featured in a women’s health focused call for researchers which launches in April 2025.
We will also promote the top ten priorities and the longer list of 17 to research funders.
In addition to identifying the top ten, all the information we have gathered through the project (from surveys and the workshop) will be shared with Women’s Health policy officials.
Thank you
We want to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to this project. By sharing your ideas in projects like this, you are helping shape research that makes a real difference.