Professor Sue Bale OBE
Research & Development Director Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Professor Sue Bale has been Research & Development Director since June 2013, and previously held the post of Assistant Nurse Director (Research & Development) for nine years. She leads research within the organisation, developing strategy and implementing national policy, encouraging participation in research activities, and co-ordinating and overseeing research in the organisation. Sue also holds a Chair at the University of South Wales and at Cardiff University.
Sue has a career in wound healing research and has published widely over the past 38 years. Her research practice and education interests are wound care, incontinence dermatitis and dementia. She is currently the Immediate Past President of the European Wound Management Association. In 2004, Sue received recognition for her services to wound healing when the Royal College of Nursing conferred on her a Fellowship for her ‘outstanding contribution to nursing research, development and practice of wound care in the UK and internationally’. In 2014, she was invested with an OBE by her Majesty the Queen for ‘services to nursing and nursing research’.
In the news:
Showcase your life-changing research at the Innovation Awards 2021 (September 2021)
Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Study team takes home MediWales innovation award (December 2020)
Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2020 (October 2020)
Wales to play major role in national trial for COVID-19 vaccine (May 2020)